Mazda CX-5
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FJ$ 1,111
USD 500
Annonce créée le31 Janvier
Annonce créée le31 Janvier
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DétailsMazda CX-5
+679 999 9554
Boîte de vitessesAutomatique
Kilométrage80 000 km
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Appeler le vendeur
+679 999 9554
FJ$ 1,111
USD 500

Appeler le vendeur
+679 999 9554
Paint Protection 😊
Ceramic Coated
Year 2015
Nano Ceramic coated #KISHO
Glass coated😎
#wegotthis #LetsGetItOn #sikecibaby
#KISHO Coating 100% made in Japan
Our package includes full body coating
All glasses mirrors
All lights
3 years life expectancy
Contact our TPAF CERTIFIED Automotive Body & Paint Techie today for an reasonable #QUOTE
📱- 9999 554 - 🇫🇯
KISHO Ceramic Coating is an extra layer of protection between the environmental elements and your vehicle’s painted surfaces. The vehicle’s paint will keep its color but contaminants will be blocked out to keep the paint smooth and slick. Unlike waxes and polymer paint sealants that require annual reapplication, KISHO Ceramic Coating provides constant, uncompromising protection for up to 3-5 years.
CALL TODAY -- 9999 554
Highlighted Benefits
1.Nano ceramic coating, smooth and slick surface.
2.It can withstand harsh materials like pH 13 detergent.
3.Only one coat is enough for ultimate gloss.
4.You can use it on other surfaces apart from car paint.
5.It has a life expectancy of 3 years and more.
The hydrophobic properties that our #KISHOGlassCoating displays is spot on!
- Enhanced Durability
- Enhanced Flexibility
- High Slickness
- UV Resistant
- Anti-fouling
- Self Cleaning
- Chemical Resistance
- Increased Hydrophobic
- Enhanced Gloss
📱- 9999554 - 🇫🇯
We Do Paint Correction If Needed!!!